Paving over the cracks

Placemaking, public realm, regeneration, remodelling and rebranding. These are some of the many buzzwords used in PR campaigns for the new wave of developments you’ll see in the City. Any developer with a few hundred million to spend can commision a few generic looking CGI’s and hand them out to the media along with a […]

You got the time mate?

It’s been a while since I asked anyone that. We all carry phones now and many of us still wear watches.  Some even wear watches that are also phones. With all this time telling ability around I’d wager there aren’t many people asking each other the time these days. A few days ago I found […]

Scream if you want to go faster

I don’t travel to London as often these days.  My current activities dictate otherwise but whenever I do, I find it one of the more productive journeys I can make. The same can be said for the run up the coast to Edinburgh which admittedly is more picturesque but a similar length and provides a […]

Building better places

Leeds was recently identified as the 7th greenest city in the UK by population. However, the report is a little misleading when you look at the core City Centre as opposed the City as a whole. At this point, Leeds, unfortunately, is one of the worst. You can check this quite easily for yourself: go […]

Premature celebrations

You may have noticed, there’s a lot of big stuff happening in Leeds right now or at least there’s a lot of chatter and a lot of words being written about big stuff happening in Leeds. The future for Leeds, it seems, is bright. For the 2023 Bid, however, this is bad news, and bearing […]