EMI North Presents at The Brudenell on 16 November

EMI North showcased some of the talent attached to its label, providing an opportunity for those at various stages in the industry to meet, network and make connections.

But first, what exactly is, or who exactly are EMI North? Well, “EMI North’s vision is to improve the music industry infrastructure in the North of the UK. Making the dream of earning a living through music a reality – no matter where you are.”.

Being the first major music label office situated outside of London already tells you that EMI North are serious about representing talent in the Northern region of the country, and this was echoed in its President Clive Cawley’s speech ahead of the first act, stating how good it was to see a room full of talented individuals coming together There was certainly a buzz amongst the audience throughout the evening, with artists, performers and other industry professionals all eager to see what EMI North is going to provide in the coming months and years.

Lois Levin

The three artists who performed during the evening helped to showcase just how diverse and varied the talent and sounds coming out of Northern England are. The first performer, Lois Levin, incorporates Jazz and Soul rhythms to tell stories that draw you in, utilizing fresh sounds to create music and songs that feel relevant whilst also building an atmosphere of nostalgia, incorporating both the new and old to create something innovative and unique.

Chiedu Oraka

Following from Lois, Chiedu Oraka takes the stage, and it is clear beyond a doubt that this man is a poet and performer through and through. His ability to promote a message in his work whilst also maintaining a solid flow alongside a strong and vibrant beat makes the Hull-based Grime Artist pop from the stage. Oraka was also consistent in expressing just how supportive he is of EMI North, and it’s clear he is fully on board with the work they’re undertaking.


The final act of the night was the Nottingham group G!RLBAND, a punk band through and through. They arrive on the stage and perform a completely instrumental three-minute segment of music, reinforcing the idea that this evening is devoted to the promotion of music as an artform in the North of England and that doesn’t just means lyrics and words – it’s the whole package coming together that makes a song work. From this, they perform two more original songs, which blow the roof off the Brudenell and really get the crowd moving and cheering. As they play their last note there is a major roar of cheers and excitement from the audience, an audience you can tell is cheering for the showcase and what it means for northern music going into the future.

If this event is anything to go by, EMI North and music in the North of England generally is about to burst open and show the world just what northern talent can do when given the proper support and backing that is needed in order to turn your art into a viable success.

If you are interested in finding out more about EMI North, as well as checking out the aforementioned artists and the others that are signed with EMI North, you can find all that information here: https://www.eminorthrecords.com/

Photography by Maddie Armstrong. Main image: G!RLBAND.

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