A Big Thank You to Leeds’ Winter Heroes

The Big Thank You Campaign is encouraging people across Leeds to say a Big Thank You to anyone who has helped them this winter, or even during previous winters. The campaign is being run by the NHS in Leeds, together with Leeds City Council and a variety of community and voluntary organisations in the City. 

The Campaign hopes to recognise people who help others’ wellbeing and keep Leeds moving when severe weather creates difficulties.  Recognition can be for groups or individuals, who could be a carer, a neighbour or a colleague.

The Big Thank You team has been out in Leeds collecting thank yous, but you can make one of your own.  Find out how by visiting  https://bigthankyouleeds.co.uk/

If you’d like to be a winter hero, the Big Thank You website offers tips on how you can offer to help look after others this winter.  The tips include simple actions such as reminding someone about their flu jabs, or checking on travel conditions for them.  You can also encourage other people to help by spreading the word and making suggestions about the kind of help they would be able to offer.

