Being Food Wise on Snacking

As we bite into those convenient and seemingly irresistible snacks, we know they contain lots of sugar and fat, hardly the recipe for good health.

Now, there are apps such as the Change4Life app, which tells you just how much of those ingredients the snacks contain, and it’s surprising that you can make a healthy improvement by just swapping out one or two every day. Of course, it’s not just your health which is important, but also the health of those around you, now and even more so when we return to normal living – family, friends and colleagues.

If you are looking to increase your energy levels and ensure you consume enough protein, you may try the little and often approach, reducing the size of your meals and having a small snack in between, with the treat of a dessert after lunch or dinner.

Photograph by Andela Stamenkovic

If your appetite is not good, there is a COVID-19 malnutrition helpline which puts you in touch with the community dietetic team who can provide impartial advice and simple ideas to help with your eating and drinking 0113 8430905

If you are over 16 and would like support on healthy eating or are just unsure where to start help is available. Contact One You Leeds on 0800 169 4219 or complete the online contact form

Feature photograph by S Well