Leeds Indie Food’s New Store is Open!

Leeds Indie Food’s new merch store is now online for a two week pre-order phase.

Over the lockdown period, LIF hasn’t been idle, as many are aware. They have been supporting local businesses, making sure via social media and their strong connections to the community that they’re not forgotten. Simon Fogal and his team have also created and continue to maintain the Indie Directory. The Directory is a rather handy online resource for anyone wanting to keep up with what’s happening in the independent hospitality and retail sector in Leeds.

Recently, a lockdown print magazine was distributed throughout Leeds and was well received, having been put together as the result of the generosity of Leeds City Council and the contributions of both businesses and individual writers locally.

Now they have produced the ‘Support Your Local Indie Scene’ range of clothing and merchandise. Some of the proceeds (now available to pre-order) will be directed towards helping others in the community.

Take a look at what’s available here.