University of Leeds Student Gains Len Tingle Placement

Graduate in Broadcast Journalism, Jess Forrester, has been awarded a placement at the BBC, in memory of former political editor Len Tingle.

The eight week internship starts in July and covers work in radio, TV and online services.  Jess will be mentored by journalists at the BBC.

The internship was launched earlier in 2019 and journalism students from all seven of the universities in Yorkshire offering the degree were eligible to apply.

Jess now lives in Leeds, although she comes from Wigan.  She explained:  “The news, particularly politics, can be intimidating and confusing for many and I have always known that I want to try and change that. To have the chance to work in such a prestigious newsroom is incredible.

I applied for the placement after hearing about it through my lecturers at University, some of whom are ex-colleagues of Len. They spoke so highly of Len’s kindness, passion and support of young journalists, so I am very honoured to be given this amazing opportunity.”

Len, a native of Cudworth, Barnsley, died in 2018, and had been Political Editor for BBC Yorkshire for 17 years.  The award in his memory is particularly appropriate because he was passionate about offering opportunities to young people from diverse backgrounds, as well as about Yorkshire and journalism.

Len was also a regular voice on various BBC local radio stations including BBC Radio Leeds, BBC Radio Sheffield and BBC Radio York.

Len’s wife Angela said: “Congratulations and good luck to Jess. Great to hear she will be taking up the placement in the Leeds newsroom. My advice to Jess is to watch, listen, observe and make sure you have the opportunity to contribute. Take up every offer and put everything else on hold for these few weeks. It will take all your energy and concentration but it will be worth it.”

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