Tetley’s Original Ale Cheesecake

We thought we’d bring you a recipe for cheesecake, one you can make at home.

Why? Because it’s a treat, because it’s easy to make at home and because it uses beer, so it helps Tetley’s. I think they are reasons enough.



  • 125G digestive biscuits
  • 50g melted butter
  • 20ml Tetley’s Original


  • 180g soft cheese
  • 90g double cream
  • 2 leaves of gelatine
  • 30g icing sugar
  • One pint of Tetley’s Original


  • Dark chocolate


To start, get a spring loaded cake tin greased and lined with clingfilm for easy removal at the end.

For the base, crush the biscuits either by hand or in a blender/food processor. Mix with the melted butter and a splash of Tetley’s. Create a flat layer of the buttery biscuit base in the tin and leave in the fridge to set.

For the filling, reduce the pint of Tetley’s in a pan, leaving about 1/3 of the pint. Don’t take it too far or the syrup that is left will not fold through the mix very well. While this is happening, place the leaf of gelatine in ice water, this is called blooming and it’s just a way of softening the gelatine without it dissolving. Place the cream cheese and cream into a bowl, and mix with an electric mixer or whisk. When the beer is nearing the desired level of reduction add the gelatine and dissolve it. Add the beer mix to the cheese mix and place on the biscuit base, returning it to the fridge to set.

Once the cheesecake has set, add some finishing touches like a drizzle of dark chocolate or pieces of honeycomb.


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