Keep Real Re-launched on Mental Health Day

Keep Real’s eco-friendly and locally printed clothing collection re-launched on Mental Health Day, alongside The Keep Real Club, a supportive community encouraging better mental health in Yorkshire.

Founder Kimberley Robinson, a Mental Health Activist and Social Entrepreneur with a degree in Counselling Therapy, delivers mental health workshops, sharing her own experiences and using her passion for art therapy.

Keep Real has worked with the University of Leeds Business School, loca agencies and organisations on stress management, self-awareness, building resilience and overcoming anxiety.  Earlier in 2019, they organised a successful live music event – Heading Out – at Belgrave Music Hall, with over 250 people attending.  Northern bands, local makers and artists all encouraged conversations about mental health.  The event served to showcase local talents whilst helping to break down the stigma attached to mental health.

The new line of clothing is ‘an eco-friendly and climate neutral flow of all-inclusive tees, tote bags, beanies, backpacks and more’.  Mental health awareness materials are to be added, such as colouring books and zines.

The rate of access to NHS secondary mental health services is higher in Leeds, in comparison to the national rate for England, and Keep Real wants to play its part in contributing towards early intervention and support for people who are struggling.

Kimberley started her blog ‘KIMMYKEEPREAL’, whilst she was at university, hoping to support young people with mental health issues.

Kimberley said:  “I am tremendously excited to re-open Keep Real’s online store and members’ club.  It is a completely fresh way of looking at mental health, and how we can encourage our community to seek support and be part of something amazing. Mental health awareness and support doesn’t have to be clinical and inaccessible. The waiting lists are too long, and the support can sometimes feel too out of reach. Our brand, events and workshops make people feel connected and heard…and that’s a crucial thing that our society needs.”

Feature photograph is Van Houten.  Photography by Kat Lowe (2019)