Can you spot me real quick

Review: A solo exhibition by Connor Shields at Assembly House

I hadn’t realised that the title of the exhibition was a gym reference until I spoke to Connor Shields, but it made perfect sense once I knew. The exhibition revolved around imagery from the gym and the construction site. Images from both melded together when breeze blocks take the place of weights.

As a queer man, Shields challenges concepts of masculinity. The idea of being spotted is not just a reference to the process of watching over a weight lifter but is also about the male gaze. Stereotypes of masculinity often abound around gyms and construction sites. Connor subverts these.

The counterpointing of strength and softness is one technique employed in his work. In this case, a scaffolding pole supported a mattress, or was the mattress supporting the pole? Relationships are fluid and interpretive.

Originally from Middlesbrough and graduating from Leeds in 2018, Shields draws on his Northern roots and the steel heritage of his native city. This was his third solo exhibition. The location of Assembly House, built as a Victorian textile mill next to the canal, was a suitably industrial setting for his work.

Lit by construction site lamps against plain white walls, the shadows created added depth to the installation. A breeze block suspended by weights somehow seemed to have greater solidity in its shadow than its actuality.

Industrial photography also featured. Most images were of construction sites around Leeds but one of Middlesbrough (featured) stood out – a mural stating I MISS YOU trapped behind metal railings fronted with a Danger Men at Work sign. Notions of dispossession, insurmountable barriers and urban decline are all brought to mind.

This was a small exhibition with a short run, but it demonstrates Shields’ versatility to work in a variety of mediums and to expand his work beyond that of previous shows.

Assembly House, 44 Canal Rd, Armley, Leeds LS12 2PL, UK

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