Holly Rolfe: A New Single From a Rising Star

Leeds Conservatoire singer/songwriter Holly Rolfe is back with a new single, released today.

Her latest music “Worst Enemy” is a reflection of the idea of missing a former relationship, rather than the person themselves. It highlights the struggle of trying to move on from someone and making the right decision for yourself.

I spoke to Holly about her own experience of the writing process and how she found it. She told me how the lyrics are what she struggled with most, trying to find the right way to convey the meaning of the song. She explained “I knew what I wanted the song to be saying but I couldn’t quite get that hook”. However, when she had written the final draft, “[she] instantly knew that was it”.

Nevertheless, she was very enthusiastic about the process as a whole and spoke about it with such passion. She told me that when it came to producing the song and adding all the elements together, it was exciting to hear that it sounded as good live as it did on the recording….. something many artists wish for when producing music.

When discussing the finished product, Holly and I agreed that the final sound made the song sound a lot more raw and emotive, perfectly fitting for its meaning. Holly believes this is such accomplishment for her. She has even compiled some additional motifs and alternative renditions to use when performing “Worst Enemy” live. Her motive behind this was to give a bit more character to the song.

Holly performs at some of Leeds’ most well-known venues and is set to perform her new song alongside some of her other popular hits at the Centenary Square Summer Series in Birmingham.

If you haven’t already booked your tickets, get them secured for Sunday 25th August!