LA Priest at Headrow House on 4 October

On Wednesday, fans and music enthusiasts headed to one of the City’s favourite venues – Headrow House. They flocked to the doors for what turned out to be a very exciting gig mastered by the incredible LA Priest.

The evening started off with a chilled-out atmosphere, with people entering the event space, mingling with their pals, as well as making use of the provided bar at the back of the space. Might I also add, the drinks were an affordable treat! Conversations spattered the air as groups of friends formed, all immersed in their own circle of excitement as well as a quick light catch-up.

The smoking/vaping area provided was also used by some of the crowd members and even then, they were greeted by music coming from the rooftops of Headrow House! No wonder the building is one of the most loved within the City!


As the anticipation grew, the crowds gathered by the stage to catch at close hand the live music that was about to unfold. The supporting acts took over, beginning with Duffin, a talented musician. The introduction was marked by mesmerising melodies of the skilled saxophonist, followed by more instrumental sounds, creating a breathtaking soundscape that resonated throughout the event space.

After Duffin, attendees returned to mingling, with some refilling their drinks and taking smoke breaks outside (I also went and treated myself to a refreshing beveragino of lemon san pellegrino!).

Georges Legrand

The next act took the stage with a distinctive pink bucket fuzzy hat and the coolest suit; Georges Legrand! He won the hearts of the audience and gained their attention with his infectious beats and all-around energetic performance. The stage lights blared on and off, creating this sick contrast of pink and blue hues, as the artist worked his music whilst having a boogie or two on the stage, inviting the crowd to dance with him. The music was undeniably vibey and surreal, leaving the audience in a livened mood!

As the supporting acts left the stage, the crowd took it as a cue to top-up their drinks and converse some more. However the stage was enveloped in ‘smoke’, with dimmed lights that cast a warm orange glow, signalling the audience that it was time to come back by the stage to see the performance! As the clock struck 9:30pm, LA Priest made his entrance, wielding an electric guitar, with slow flickering lights as his setting. The minute he took centre stage and used the microphone, his talent, without a doubt, had everyone’s eyes and ears onto him there and then. His calming vocals and natural humour immediately struck a chord within the audience. This was fantastic!

LA Priest’s songs and instrumental skills reverberated throughout the space, creating an ambience that was both lively and comforting. The crowd erupted in applause and cheers after each track, swaying and dancing to his songs. At one point, he accidentally pushed the wrong pedal for his electric guitar, receiving a round of laughter and adding onto the positive energy circling the event.

The stage smoke intensified, further enhancing the vibrancy that radiated from the stage. It was as if LA Priest had invited everyone to join in on the ultimate party.

As the indie/alternative melodies filled the air, the crowd swayed to the music, drawn not only by the guitar and vocal skills of the artist, but also by the spotless stage presence! LA Priest’s vocals and humour made the entire experience feel like a homecoming, the sort of feeling only a gifted artist can generate.

At another point, LA Priest expressed his joy at being back in Leeds, creating an even stronger connection with his audience. The artist’s genuine interaction with the crowd made everyone in the room feel like part of something truly freeing and all-around beautiful.

Laughter, dancing and singing filled the event space as the gig finished, as well as rounds of applause, whistling and cheering. The evening and the gig left everyone with a sense of joy and happiness (including me). It was undoubtedly a great and successful night, with fans already hoping for the artist’s return to Leeds in the near future!

All photography by Maddie Armstrong.

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